Die Idee
Individuelle Reisen, Gruppenreisen mit kleinen Gruppen in jedem Fall außergewöhnliche Erlebnisse und die Verwirklichung der ganz persönlichen Wünsche unserer Gäste – dafür leben wir von Asian Exclusive Travel.
Wir haben uns zum Ziel gesetzt, dass unsere Gäste auf ihrer Reise nicht nur die touristischen Highlights, sondern auch ungewöhnliche Facetten Indiens kennenlernen. Wir möchten, dass Sie den Menschen in ihrem alltäglichen Umfeld begegnen und Indien hautnah und authentisch erleben.
Wir konzipieren, planen und organisieren für Ihre Gäste hochqualitative, authentische und unvergessliche Urlaubserlebnisse in diesem außergewöhnlichen und beeindruckenden Land.

To ensure our guests enjoy every moment of their trip, your safety and comfort is our top priority.
We only work with trusted transport partners and assure all clients that only exemplary and fully certified drivers with vehicles meeting the highest safety standards are used.
You will find our main fleet of vehicles below. Our guests generally travel in one of the following depending on the number of passengers.

2 – 3 passengers
Limousine, driver and maximum three persons

2 – 4 passengers
Minivan, driver, guide and maximum four persons

4 – 9 passengers
Minibus, driver, guide and maximum nine persons

10 – 15 passengers
Minibus, driver, guide and maximum 14 persons

15 – 35 passengers
Tour bus, driver + co-driver, guide and maximum 35 persons
Swift Dzire
Technical data / equipment:
Length: 3,99 m
Width: 1,69 m
Height: 1,55 m
ALS, driver/co-driver airbags, air-conditioning
Technical data / equipment:
Length: 4,58 m
Width: 1,76 m
Height: 1,76 m
ALS, driver / co-driver airbags, air-conditioning, two comfortable single seats, back bank in the rear
Tempo Traveller (Force Motors)
Technical data / equipment:
Length: 4,58 m
Width: 1,76 m
Heigth: 1,76 m
ALS, air-conditioning, six comfortable single seats, back bank in the rear
Minibus (Ashok Leyland)
Technical data / equipment:
Length: 7,09 m
Width: 2,20 m
ALS, air-conditioning, 14 comfortable single seats
Minibus (Ashok Leyland)
Technical data / equipment:
Length: 8,07 m
Width: 2,50 m
ALS, air-conditioning, 35 comfortable single seats
Association Memberships
EXPERIENCE and a first-class NETWORK
We are a member of the Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO). As part of this organisation, our travel company is certified and officially recognised by the Ministry of Tourism of the Indian Government. To qualify for membership of the IATO, years of experience in international tourism, the highest level of professional ethics and individual customer care must be demonstrated. Accreditation by the IATO guarantees the quality of our company.